Zoysia Grass

How to Care For Zoysia Grass


Maintaining Your Zoysia Grass

The basic care for Zoysia lawns will be dependant upon soil fertility, rainfall, full sun or shadier area, grown north or south. Good soil fertility, full sun, high rainfall, southern growing area = better than average growth. Which will in turn needs to be mown more than northern, cooler temps, average rainfall = less mowing.

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Most people do not fertilize the grass of their choice depending upon mother nature to do all the work. Well maintained Zoysia lawns are fertilized with the right amount  for that particular grass and on a schedule based on the growing season. This maintains the grass health and builds resistance to disease and pest.
Underfeeding or overfeeding leads to thatch build up and lower resistance levels of the grass plant. Water schedules stabilize growing seasons and grasses that are not adapted to growing in the water don’t do well when left standing in over watered areas.

Following a Schedule

Fertilize in Spring & Summer with approximately 15 lbs of a complete fertilizer per 1000 sq. ft. of lawn area. This is what will be called the main feeding of your zoysia lawn. To accomplish supplemental feedings, you can apply 2-3 lbs of Nitrogen for supplemental feedings to your Zoysia during the course of the growing season. Space these applications out about 50-60 days apart.
Useful Zoysia Maintenance Calendar. Please Take a look at this useful calendar for zoysia grass maintenance from NC State University. Zoysiagrass Lawn Maintenance and here is the link: Calendar Guide.

The Grass is always greener when Ryno Lawn Care maintains your lawn. Click here or give us a call to keep your lawn green and save some green in your wallet.

More Lawn Tips:  How to Treat and Prevent Zoysia Patch Disease

5 Responses

  1. Superb tips on how to care for Zoysia lawns. I will try to implement them and if I can’t do it my self I will get a professional to assist in line with the tips. Thanks for this great guide!

  2. I am interested in having Ryno do my lawn service. I had Zoysia installed last spring and was not told it needed to be fertilized. There are some small areas that probably need to be replaced and I would like to fertilize the lawn. I also want to have my back yard sodded. I might just do areas instead of the full lawn. I need a couple of bushes replaced and would like the beds cleaned and flowers planted in my flower bed. I also need my trees trimmed but not sure you do that.

    Could I have someone come out to meet with me on the afternoon of May 11?

  3. Awesome post. My husband and I want to plant some grass in our currently dirt yard, and your article had great tips to help us choose the best grass for our needs. I liked how you said to consider Zoysia, as it has average shade tolerance and is high quality while still being low maintenance. Thanks; we’ll keep this in mind when choosing grass for our yard.

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