how to build a flower bed

How To Build Flower Beds


Flower beds are a delightful addition to any landscape, bringing color, fragrance, and a touch of natural beauty to your outdoor space. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a beginner, knowing how to build flower beds is a rewarding endeavor. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the steps to build flower beds that will enhance the aesthetics of your garden.

backyard garden designPlan Your Flower Bed Design

Before diving into the physical work, take the time to plan your flower bed design. Consider factors such as the size and shape of the area, the amount of sunlight it receives, and the types of flowers you want to include.

Sketch out your ideas or use a garden planning tool to help visualize the layout. This planning stage will set the foundation for a well-organized and visually appealing flower bed.

Take your time with this step because you’ll want to imagine different appearances for your garden.  Look at different types of plantings and decide which ones you like the best, and which ones will thrive in the space that you have.

Shape is an important consideration in how to build flower beds. Do you want a standard rectangular or square flower bed, or would you rather have something more unusual, such as a curved shape, oval, hexagon or some other shape of your choosing?

Once you’ve decided on the shape and size of your flower bed, go into your yard and mark off the area. You can do this using colored tape, spray paint, rope, flour or even your garden hose. Having the area you wish to plant marked off in this way, will help you to visualize your garden.

Choose the Right Location

Selecting the right location for your flower bed is crucial. Look for areas that receive ample sunlight, as most flowering plants thrive in full sun. Avoid planting near large trees or buildings that may shade the area.

Additionally, consider the soil conditions and drainage of the chosen location. Most flowers perform best in well-drained soil, so ensure the site doesn’t retain excess water.

Prepare the Soil

man tilling soil to build a flower bed
Man tilling soil.

Once you’ve chosen the location, it’s time to prepare the soil. Start by removing any existing weeds or grass from the area. Use a garden fork or a shovel to loosen the soil, breaking up any compacted areas.

You could go with the old fashioned backbreaking method of digging the grass out with a shovel or tilling the area and then pulling out the loose rocks, clods, grass and roots.

Both of these methods are very difficult and not particularly effective, yet a lot of people still think that this is the best way to begin.

You’ll be happy to know that there is an alternative method of how to build flower beds, and it’s very simple.You can start by simply mowing the grass very short in the area where your flower bed will be. Follow this step by covering the area with a very thick layer of cardboard and/or newspaper ,which you will water liberally.

More Lawn Tips:  What Flowers Attract Hummingbirds and Butterflies?

This will have the effect of smothering out the grass.Next, put your border in place and simply add packaged potting soil or organic soil that you have created by composting. This is a very simple, all natural, inexpensive way to build a flower bed.

Incorporate organic matter, such as compost or well-rotted manure, to improve soil fertility and drainage. Work the organic matter into the top 8-10 inches of soil to create a nutrient-rich planting environment.

choose a border to build a flower bed
Stone edging.


When designing a flower bed, choosing the right edging can make all the difference in the overall aesthetic and function of the bed. The edging not only adds a finished look to the bed but also helps define its boundaries and keep soil, mulch, and plants in place.

There are several options to choose from when it comes to edging, including natural stone, concrete, metal, plastic, and even plants such as low-growing shrubs or groundcovers.

Consider the style of your landscape, the desired level of maintenance, and your budget when deciding on the right edging for your flower bed. A well-chosen edging will not only enhance your flower bed’s beauty but also make it easier to maintain for years to come.

If you’re planning to build a raised bed garden, you’ll want to think about the different types of edging you can use. You could go with rock, brick, landscape timbers, natural timbers, continuous edging, and a number of other choices. The depth of the bed, the appearance you desire, and of course cost, will all play into this choice.

For more information on building a raised bed, download this publication, “Building a Raised Bed.”

Best Time to Build a Flower Bed

If you have an existing flower bed that just needs sprucing up, we’ve got you covered. Go to our Flower Bed Cleanup Service Page.

How to build flower beds includes knowing when to build flower beds. Using the method described, you could begin in either the fall or the early spring. In many ways, fall is preferable. In the first place, if you begin in the fall, the grass will be dormant for several months, and it will not regrow underneath your cardboard in the spring.

Second, instead of purchasing potting soil, you can simply fill the flower bed area with compost and then cover this with an organic mulch material such as leaves or straw. During the winter, all of this material will compost into soil and be ready to use in the spring. At that time, you can simply add your plants or seeds, and your flower beds will be well underway.

Decide on Flower Selection

how to build a flower bed
Black eyed Susans are native flowers and a great choice for any flower bed.

Now comes the fun part – selecting the flowers for your bed. Consider factors like color palette, blooming season, plant height, and desired maintenance level. Choose a mix of annuals and perennials to ensure continuous blooms throughout the year.

More Lawn Tips:  Planting Fall Annuals-Pansies, Kale, and Cabbage

Aim for a balance of different flower shapes and heights to create an engaging and visually appealing display. Research the specific planting requirements for each flower to ensure they are compatible in terms of light and water needs.

Take a look at this pdf published by Texas A&M University that lists, “Native and Adapted Plants for Texas Landscapes.”

Planting Technique

When it’s time to plant, make sure to follow proper technique. Dig holes that are twice the size of the plant’s root ball or container. Carefully remove the plant from its pot, gently tease the roots, and place it in the hole.

Backfill the hole with soil, ensuring the plant is at the same depth as it was in the container. Water thoroughly after planting to settle the soil and provide hydration to the plants.

know how to build a flower bed
There are many colors and types of mulch to choose from.

Mulching and Maintenance

Mulching is essential for flower beds as it helps retain moisture, suppresses weed growth, and adds an aesthetic touch.

Apply a layer of organic mulch, such as wood chips or shredded bark, around the plants, maintaining a depth of 2-3 inches. Additionally, regular maintenance is key to keeping your flower beds flourishing.

Water as needed, taking care not to overwater or underwater. Remove weeds promptly to prevent competition for resources. Deadhead spent blooms to encourage continuous flowering. Fertilize as recommended for the specific flower varieties you’ve chosen.

Mulch Installation is one of the services we offer. Contact us today.

Enjoy the Fruits of Your Labor

edge garden with bricks
Brick edging is a creative way to add a pop of color to your garden.

Leave the design and installation work to us. Landscape installation is one of our most requested services.

Sit back, relax, and enjoy the beauty of your newly created flower beds. Observe as your flowers grow and bloom, attracting bees, butterflies, and other pollinators to your garden. Regularly visit your flower beds to stay on top of any necessary maintenance tasks and to savor the vibrant colors and enticing fragrances.

Building your own flower beds can be a rewarding journey, and with the proper planning, preparation, and maintenance, you’ll be rewarded with a stunning display of flowers that will enhance your landscape for years to come.

Remember to unleash your creativity and experiment with different flower combinations to create a personalized oasis of beauty and tranquility in your own backyard. Happy gardening!

We hope that this article on how to build flower beds has been helpful to you. Remember that you can always call on your friends at Ryno Lawn Care, LLC to help you build flower beds, take care of your yard and lawn, trim trees and bushes, construct fences and much more. Give us a call today at 214-728-8894 or fill out our handy online service request. We’ll be happy to provide you with a free consultation and estimate to take care of all your lawn, yard and garden needs.

2 Responses

  1. I have gotten into container gardening and was thinking about doing flowerbeds the same way. Your post really helped me out with that and I think it will be my spring project after yard cleanup and power washing the siding. Do you know of anyone that does that in Lewisville?

  2. This blog is incredibly detailed and offers such valuable guidance on building flower beds! I appreciate the practical tips, especially the alternative method for soil preparation using cardboard and organic matter. I have one question, when is the best time to add compost or mulch during the fall if I plan to start planting in early spring? Would it be better to do it all at once or in stages?

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