coleus shade plant

Shade Loving Flowering Plants for Texas


coleus shade plantShade loving plants are those that thrive without direct contact with sunlight. These plants are great for adorning indoor spaces, or brightening those shady areas in your yard.

If you’re looking to add a splash of color to a nook that doesn’t get much natural light, you ought to consider a shade loving plant that produces flowers. This article explores several shade-friendly flowers to choose from.

Check out our landscaping service page to find out how Ryno Lawn Care can help with your next project.

Foam Flower

Foam flowers get their name from the small bunches of white to pinkish blooms they produce. They require regular watering, so keep that in mind if you place them in your garden.

They also do well as a potted plant, making a great addition to your kitchen or windowsill. This breed can thrive in dappled or partial shade, as it tolerates small amounts of direct sunlight.


primulaPrimulas are also a perfect fit your shady garden idea. This flowering plant blooms into a tiny bunch of lavender blossoms that will bring a soft liveliness to your garden or dining room table.

They require a moderate amount of water and prefer cooler temperatures. This makes primulas a lovely choice for potted plants that can be brought inside when the weather gets hot.


This flower fares well in partial to fully shaded environments. With its tiny purple and blue flowers, it can bring a burst of vibrance to your yard, deck, or windowsill.

Also known as pulmonaria, this flowering plant is celebrated for its respiratory healing properties. While we don’t condone ingesting this lovely lady, we certainly think she makes a beautiful addition to anyone’s home or yard. 

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caladium This plant, with its heartshaped leaf, is perfect for your shady garden project. Its stunning tri-colored leaves of green, white, and purple are a guaranteed knock-out to level up your lawn or garden.

However, this plant only flourishes in thoroughly shaded areas. Be sure you place it inside, or in a well shaded portion of your yard, to ensure that it keeps its health and its amazing palette. 


This flowering plant is also a great choice for shaded gardens. Its lovely violet flowers will readily thrive with absolutely no direct sunlight.

Also known as urn orchids, these gorgeous purple flowers can sustain a broad range of climates and temperatures. The main thing to consider with them is that they require regular watering.


  • Foam flowers produce white and pink blossoms, and they require regular watering.
  • Coleus is a lush green plant that does well in pots and hanging baskets.
  • Primulas produce lovely lavender blossoms, and must be protected against extreme heat.
  • Lungworts thrive both inside and out, and they offer gorgeous blue and violet flowers.
  • Caladium may not flower, but it’s amazing tri-colored leaves will liven up your lawn.
  • Bletilla is a versatile violet orchid that requires regular watering.

Let us know if you need help with garden landscaping! Gardening is a joy, a relaxing hobby, and a fantastic way to improve your home’s value and appearance. For a well-shaded yard with mature trees, or for those who wish to bring the vibrance of plant life indoors, these are all great plants to choose.

For more ideas on how to enhance your home and garden, read more about how Ryno Lawn Care can level up your landscaping. 

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